Friday, August 12, 2011

What's next in these volatile markets?

I have been tracking a number of junior gold, bio-tech,ree &. gas stocks.

Gas has been down but it is expected to rebound later this year. The gas market is not seeing the swings in the market like oil is. NOG.V has been working hard in Saskatchewan on expanding it's operations and has a very low current market cap IMHO.

STI.V had a spike from 7.5 to about 16 when BER was running then on BER'S halt STI saw a sell-off well beyond its normal range and is a viable company with ongoing operations. Perhaps one of the cheapest risks you could take on REE in the markets IMHO.

INT.V needs no introduction it was recently added to the S&P/TSX Venture 30 index and has been the hottest stock on the TSX-V The company continues to surprise investors with viral growth while creating a strong brand following with Ortsbo. This is a buy & hold long term play. They see to have the right mix of products and support that could spell huge returns for investors sharing the long term vision.

The last stock I wanted to mention has been on my watch list for a few months and recently I noticed insiders have been eating up shares even at current levels and higher. Exploration is ongoing and this may be a giant in the making. Keep an eye on URC.V.

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