Time is a funny thing in today’s society. It’s
running away on some of us and most seem to really want to keep track of
it. It also something that does not stand still so all natural events
surrounding it cannot be controlled, so deal with it.
recently watched some old clips of Steve Jobs in the early days and how
he liked to look in the mirror and ponder what he would do with his day
if he knew this was his last day. It’s an interesting concept to
think that if we truly wanted to make a difference in our lives and the
lives of others then how would we spend our time?

tend to hold on to fragments of time and save them for review. I go over
and over past events of time to see where I may have had an alternate
path yet chose the one I am on. This is very reactive and not proactive
as I am sure Steve would agree. I do project myself through time as well
though and try to imagine the time lines of my life plan and how I
am hitting my own milestones I set for myself.I
have often heard people say life is not a destination but a journey that
should be savoured along the road. I tend to feel there needs to be a
road map and a plan though or you’re really not going anywhere.
plan my day to day activities around things that support my goals. I
know I am not out to change the world but I do try to help those around
me and even enhance someone else’s life goals. Although time is important
it’s all boiling down to the choices we make within the time we
have been given. Make the correct choices and you will find the rest
falls into place.

Throughout my time investing in
the markets I have tried to select the right companies with the right
product at the right time. The companies that are in the shadows with a
new idea or ones that have a great product but they are just getting set
to launch. Innovation can be a monster in the markets. How many people
watched Steve Jobs and thought that could really be worth something one
day. But so many just watched and did not invest in Apple until it was
the premier blue chip to invest in. That was a
costly mistake and by learning from these events in history we can start
to identify the next premier blue chip stock before others have noticed
it is becoming main stream.
I love gold stocks
but that’s not what’s going to shape the world as we know it. Apple
changed the world and how it viewed the use of computers and
communications in general. To be thinking outside
the box and projecting ourselves to the future we need to be back at
those trade shows for those first generations of Apple computers. What
sparked everyone to decide this would be the cornerstone?
like to think I am ahead of the herd and ahead of where investors want
to go before they even know it themselves. I want to mention three
innovative companies that are on the leading edge of something that
will change the industry they are in IMHO.
Asantae Holdings International Inc. ( is a producer and marketer of innovative nutritional products through
a network of independent distributors (Asantae Independent
Affiliates). Asantae's flagship product RealW8™ addresses the primary
threat to public health in the industrialized world; overweight and
obesity. Asantae's approach to this threat is based on a body of
research related to the brain chemistry of addiction, chronic low-grade
inflammation and oxidative stresses which, according to scientific and
medical research, are the underlying conditions for most modern
epidemic diseases (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some
cancers, etc.). According to Market data Enterprises, Inc., the U.S.
weight loss market alone is estimated at $60.9 billion per year.
Miraculins Inc is a medical diagnostic company focused on acquiring,
developing and commercializing non-invasive tests for unmet clinical
needs. A significant number of promising diagnostic opportunities remain
un-commercialized because of the sizable gap between the discovery
stage, when research institutions are typically involved, and the
commercialization stage, when the larger commercial enterprises become
interested. Miraculins has direct experience in bridging this gap. The
Company's PreVu® technology is a revolutionary new coronary artery
disease risk assessment technology that measures cholesterol levels in a
patient's skin non-invasively, painlessly and without the need for
fasting. Miraculins is also advancing a suite of biomarkers to aid in
the early detection of the devastating disease of pregnancy known as
preeclampsia. The Company's preeclampsia program is partnered with Alere
Inc. (formerly known as Inverness Medical Innovations), one of the
world's largest diagnostic companies. For more information visit
Medallion Resources is rethinking rare earths. Headed by Dr Bill Bird and
supported by an experienced technical team, the Company believes it is
well positioned to identify and exploit the world's most promising
rare-earth opportunities. Medallion's strategy is to target large
deposits amenable to straightforward low-cost mining and metallurgical
processes that lead to near-term rare-earth production and long-term
supply. Rare earths are used in critical components for virtually all
computing and mobile electronic products, as well as wind turbines,
electric and hybrid vehicles and strategic defense systems. Medallion is
committed to following best practices and accepted international
standards in all aspects of mining, mineral processing and the safe
management of waste materials. More about Medallion (TSX
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